Sunny Sunday

DB has been spending time in the garden, there is a lot to do, we have a gardener stating on Wednesday, hopefully he will start in the front. 

I did put in some shrubs in the front border yesterday, will have to see how they go. There are quite a few primulas in the back which I am hoping to lift. Like DB I can only do half an hour at a time.

Veggis for supper prepped, roast chicken and veg, no dessert.

Its fine and sunnty but the wind is keeping the temperature down a bit.

I have not done any sewing since A was here on Thursday, I have the fabric for the half curtain in the kitchen, that is my next job. I have dried two lots of laundry on the airer in the porch. Yesterday I went to fold it down and caught my finger in the clip, blood everywhere.......its a bit sore this morning.

No plans for this afternoon, might just sit and read, we did have morning tea sitting on the bench in the garden. The sun is moving round, so it will be rather warm if the wind drops.

Workman coming tomorrow to sort out a couple of things that need doing, so it will be an early start.



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